Friday, July 18, 2014




It may sound weird    to hear these words from a person who does not in any way come under the category of the new generation! Internet plays a pivotal role in the life of a youngster or even maybe a toddler who has just been initiated into the process of learning the three Rs.For them it means a lot.Yes it involves browsing for educational reference ,games ,songs ,chat,and what not.
School Projects are made par excellent with the help of the internet ,getting print outs of all information related topics.Any information  under the sun is at their finger tips ,if there is internet connection.Whatever said and done ,parents are always on tenterhooks when they see their child glued to the net .A strict watch is necessary for sure ,but at the same time ,trust in the child,and proper advice will see that the child takes the right browsing path .

Now all these pros and cons about the internet,that I am talking about, will make the reader feel that I too have children at home, who need constant hawk like eyes on them.Well here goes the biggest anti climax that's going to unfold.The biggest internet fan in my house,is guess who? 

Its me ,a mother of two married daughters and a grand mother of two! Can you believe it, with abundant free time on my hands ,no school job [I happen to be a voluntarily retired English teacher of twenty odd years of service ] and a very adjustable, loving and tolerant husband,I felt I was killing precious time.So thats how I decided to hook on to the internet and browse and browse to discover a new meaning to my post retirement life.Yes it was like Alibaba opening his secret cave
to find all his treasures!For me the treasures that were stored in the innumerable websites were articles on homes and gardens,interior decoration,recipes ,and most important chatting with friends and rediscovering old school mates with the very useful social networking site Facebook.
To me it was a Pandora's box open with everything I wanted to know as a home maker.To top it all I could download all my old favourite film songs in a jiffy!

When I spend my free time basking in the glory of the internet,what happens when one fine day I find my Wifi connection stops dead? No matter how hard I try to revive it ,using all my meagre bit of technical knowhow,with help from hubby,it remained dormant.That day I had planned to chat with my old school friend ,download some lip smacking recipes by Sanjeev Kapoor and Tarla Dalal and browse for some good gardening tips .It was like having a limb amputated ,handicaped in all senses.The computer tech came home,he said the modem has to be changed.Very cool and casual he takes it with him ,assuring its return the next day.I have never felt so depressed before.A whole day without my internet,can you believe it?I wonder if I have also become a net addict? At this age I  enjoy all the go a happy ending. [Hopefully !]

od benefits that the internet can provide,and feel its certainly technology's biggest gift to mankind,provided its treated with due respect and not misused .Age is not a bar for experimenting with technology ,so long as your mind is alert!
My modem came back the next day in full strength and I continue happily browsing as before!
My blogs continue to make their appearance and I am contended! Like all stories mine too has a happy ending. [Hopefully !]

It may sound weird    to hear these words from a person who does not in any way come under the category of the new generation! Internet plays a pivotal role in the life of a youngster or even maybe a toddler who has just been initiated into the process of learning the three Rs.For them it means a lot.Yes it involves browsing for educational reference ,games ,songs ,chat,and what not.
School Projects are made par excellent with the help of the internet ,getting print outs of all information related topics.Any information  under the sun is at their finger tips ,if there is internet connection.Whatever said and done ,parents are always on tenterhooks when they see their child glued to the net .A strict watch is necessary for sure ,but at the same time ,trust in the child,and proper advice will see that the child takes the right browsing path .

Now all these pros and cons about the internet,that I am talking about, will make the reader feel that I too have children at home, who need constant hawk like eyes on them.Well here goes the biggest anti climax that's going to unfold.The biggest internet fan in my house,is guess who? 

Its me ,a mother of two married daughters and a grand mother of two! Can you believe it, with abundant free time on my hands ,no school job [I happen to be a voluntarily retired English teacher of twenty odd years of service ] and a very adjustable, loving and tolerant husband,I felt I was killing precious time.So thats how I decided to hook on to the internet and browse and browse to discover a new meaning to my post retirement life.Yes it was like Alibaba opening his secret cave
to find all his treasures!For me the treasures that were stored in the innumerable websites were articles on homes and gardens,interior decoration,recipes ,and most important chatting with friends and rediscovering old school mates with the very useful social networking site Facebook.
To me it was a Pandora's box open with everything I wanted to know as a home maker.To top it all I could download all my old favourite film songs in a jiffy!

When I spend my free time basking in the glory of the internet,what happens when one fine day I find my Wifi connection stops dead? No matter how hard I try to revive it ,using all my meagre bit of technical knowhow,with help from hubby,it remained dormant.That day I had planned to chat with my old school friend ,download some lip smacking recipes by Sanjeev Kapoor and Tarla Dalal and browse for some good gardening tips .It was like having a limb amputated ,handicaped in all senses.The computer tech came home,he said the modem has to be changed.Very cool and casual he takes it with him ,assuring its return the next day.I have never felt so depressed before.A whole day without my internet,can you believe it?I wonder if I have also become a net addict? At this age I  enjoy all the go a happy ending. [Hopefully !]

od benefits that the internet can provide,and feel its certainly technology's biggest gift to mankind,provided its treated with due respect and not misused .Age is not a bar for experimenting with technology ,so long as your mind is alert!
My modem came back the next day in full strength and I continue happily browsing as before!
My blogs continue to make their appearance and I am contended! Like all stories mine too has a happy ending. [Hopefully !]

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